
Atlas of Planetary Nebulae

  1. In December 2024, the first of three volumes of the Atlas of Planetary Nebulae was published in the German language version. We would like to offer an English language version to an international audience.

    In order to be able to do that, we need a minimum of 500 people willing to order a copy. If you want to support this project, please answer the following questions, leave your email address and share this survey!

    All answers are non-binding and anonymous!

  2. This could be the cover:

  3. Below is a preview on the chapter of HFG 1. Get a high-res version by downloading the image using the right mouse button. 176 objects will be covered like that (some in more detail, some shorter).

  4. Thank you very much for participating!

    Most important: please share this survey with your friends that may like the topic! THANK YOU!